Stacy Feil
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Business Coaching

Dream it | Build it | Grow it

Stacy Head of Web

People Need You!

You have something special to offer. Something unique. Something that will improve, even change, peoples' lives. But your business isn't taking off like you thought it would.

You're smart and educated. You have the training, and know-how. And, you do what you do well.
The problem is, there is more to running a business than just having something to offer.
You have to put yourself in front of your ideal client,
and be ready to confidently ask for the sale.
You have to market yourself in a way that leaves your client with
no doubt that you can help them.

And, you have to have a system in place to effectively run the business behind the scenes.


What if you had someone to help you?

 What if...

... you could stop feeling:

overwhelmed by the unknown,
fearful of making a mistake,
anxious about all there is to do,
exhausted by advice that isn't right for you,
trapped by uncertainty.


... feeling secure in your decisions
... being confident in your purpose
... having clarity over what to do next
... knowing you are making a real difference in the world.

Your business dreams are 100% achievable.

Now, let's make them happen.

Start a Business

Stop wishing and start doing. Transform that dream into reality and create the business you've always wanted.

Grow Your Business

Already have an established business? Take it to the next level and start reaping the rewards you deserve.

Get Direct Analysis & Advice

Get an objective pair of eyes and ears to pinpoint the trouble spots and suggest solutions.

When I met Stacy I had been trying a lot of random marketing tactics and still had no clients. I had a business setup that had no real system in place to ensure the business ran smoothly. Now, after working with Stacy I have a clear understanding of all the parts needed to make my business a success and have implemented them in a way that has brought me a steady stream of clientele.
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Stop wasting your time trying to do it on you own. The investment you make by having Stacy help you will pay off in spades.
Before, the process of starting my business felt big and vague and I didn’t think I would actually go through with it. It just seemed insurmountable. Now, I am inspired; I have a vision and a plan. With Stacy’s guidance, I am putting the pieces together. For anyone who is doubting whether to work with her, ‘DO IT’!

Are You Ready?

Up-level your business with individualized support and strategy.

Book your free chemistry call now. We will dive into your business, chat about where you want to take it and explore if working together is a good fit!


Hi, I'm Stacy.

My mission is to guide and support go-getters in
achieving their dreams. I believe that change is possible and together we can make it happen. For years I have been helping individuals and businesses in discovering what is possible, inspiring growth and facilitating change, one conversation, and one step, at a time.

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